Mitsubishi Electric High Voltage Circuit Breakers offer protection and isolation of critical power transmission infrastructure and equipment.
Substation equipment often costs millions of dollars and the reliability and safety of these assets largely depend on power circuit breakers. When a circuit breaker fails, it can damage surrounding equipment, contributing to costly outages and the endangerment of lives. To meet today’s crticial demands Mitsubishi Electric High Voltage Dead-Tank Power Circuit Breakers cover a range of 72.5kV to 800kV with interrupting classes spanning 40kA to 80kA.

Beyond their primary function of protection, high voltage circuit breakers often are highly customized and engineered solutions. They have varying designs, with extensive maintenance and operating expense implications. Choosing the right vendor as an equipment and solution provider can mean the difference between a completed project, a reliable design, a speedily resolved issue, and reduced maintenance and operating expenses. As your vendor of choice, Mitsubishi Electric offers reliable circuit breakers designed for low operation and maintenance costs, a dedicated service team, a design team focused on tailored solutions and technical support, and the potential to be our partner, unlocking special incentives. Taken together, our offerings and services maximize the value of your purchase.

Understanding Total Value

MEPPI Alliance Program
HV Dead Tank SF6 Gas Circuit Breaker Product Line

- Spring-spring mechanism
- No maintenance mechanism on select products
- Interrupter that provides easy access without removing the bushings
- Mixed gas (SF6/CF4) options available on select products
- Temperature range: –30°C to +50°C (-50°C capability with tank heaters across all ratings. -50C capability with mixed gas (SF6/CF4) on select products)
- Meets IEEE and IEC Standards
- Fully assembled and tested in the USA
- Gang and Independent Pole Operated (IPO) options across all ratings
- Synchronous control option available with all IPO breakers

- No maintenance spring-spring mechanisms
- Interrupter that provides easy access without removing the bushings
- No capacitance required at 63kA applications for select products
- Mixed gas (SF6/CF4) options available on select products up to 50kA
- Temperature range: –30°C to +50°C (-50°C capability with tank heaters across all ratings. -50C capability with mixed gas (SF6/CF4) on select products)
- Meets IEEE and IEC Standards
- Fully assembled and tested in the USA
- Gang and Independent Pole Operated (IPO) options across all ratings
- Synchronous control option available with all IPO breakers

- No maintenance spring-spring mechanisms up to 63kA
- Interrupter that provides easy access without removing the bushings
- No capacitance required at 63kA applications for select products
- Mixed gas (SF6/CF4) options available on select products up to 50kA
- Temperature range: –30°C to +50°C (-50°C capability with tank heaters across all ratings. -50C capability with mixed gas (SF6/CF4) on select products)
- Meets IEEE and IEC Standards
- Fully assembled and tested in the USA
- Gang and Independent Pole Operated (IPO) options across all ratings, up to 63kA
- Synchronous control option available with all IPO breakers

- Interrupter that provides easy access without removing the bushings
- An extended condition-based maintenance cycle minimizes O&M costs
- Temperature range: –30°C to +50°C (-50°C capability with tank heaters across all ratings)
- Meets IEEE and IEC Standards
- Fully assembled and tested in the USA
- Independent Pole Operated (IPO) with synchronous control option

- Interrupter that provides easy access without removing the bushings
- Temperature range: –30°C to +50°C
- Meets IEEE and IEC Standards
- Fully assembled and tested in the USA
- Independent Pole Operated (IPO)
Other HV Products and Systems
Reliable, Secure and Sustainable Energy Systems
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